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Update a Contract with the Flow CLI

Update an existing contract deployed to a Flow account using the Flow CLI.

flow accounts update-contract <filename> [<argument> <argument>...] [flags]

⚠️ Deprecation notice: using name argument in update contract command will be deprecated soon.

flow accounts update-contract <name> <filename> [<argument> <argument>...] [flags]

Example Usage

> flow accounts update-contract ./FungibleToken.cdc
Contract 'FungibleToken' updated on account '0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7'
Address 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7
Balance 99999999999.70000000
Keys 1
Key 0 Public Key 640a5a359bf3536d15192f18d872d57c98a96cb871b92b70cecb0739c2d5c37b4be12548d3526933c2cda9b0b9c69412f45ffb6b85b6840d8569d969fe84e5b7
Weight 1000
Signature Algorithm ECDSA_P256
Hash Algorithm SHA3_256
Revoked false
Sequence Number 6
Index 0
Contracts Deployed: 1
Contract: 'FungibleToken'

Testnet Example

> flow accounts update-contract ./FungibleToken.cdc --signer alice --network testnet
Contract 'FungibleToken' updated on account '0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7'
Address 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7
Balance 99999999999.70000000
Keys 1
Key 0 Public Key 640a5a359bf3536d15192f18d872d57c98a96cb871b92b70cecb0739c2d5c37b4be12548d3526933c2cda9b0b9c69412f45ffb6b85b6840d8569d969fe84e5b7
Weight 1000
Signature Algorithm ECDSA_P256
Hash Algorithm SHA3_256
Revoked false
Sequence Number 6
Index 0
Contracts Deployed: 1
Contract: 'FungibleToken'

Make sure alice account is defined in flow.json



  • Name: name
  • Valid inputs: Any string value

Name of the contract as it is defined in the contract source code.

⚠️ Deprecation notice: use filename argument only, no need to use name argument.


  • Name: filename
  • Valid inputs: Any filename and path valid on the system.

Filename of the file containing contract source code.


  • Name: argument
  • Valid inputs: valid cadence values matching argument type in transaction code.

Input arguments values matching corresponding types in the source code and passed in the same order.


> flow accounts update-contract ./contract.cdc Hello 2

Transaction code:

pub contract HelloWorld {
init(a:String, b:Int) {



  • Flag: --signer
  • Valid inputs: the name of an account defined in the configuration (flow.json)

Specify the name of the account that will be used to sign the transaction.

Show Diff

  • Flag: --show-diff
  • Valid inputs: true, false

Shows a diff to approve before updating between deployed contract and new contract updates.

Arguments JSON

  • Flag: --args-json
  • Valid inputs: arguments in JSON-Cadence form.
  • Example: flow accounts update-contract ./tx.cdc '[{"type": "String", "value": "Hello"}]'

Arguments passed to the Cadence transaction in Cadence JSON format. Cadence JSON format contains type and value keys and is documented here.

Include Fields

  • Flag: --include
  • Valid inputs: contracts

Specify fields to include in the result output. Applies only to the text output.


  • Flag: --host
  • Valid inputs: an IP address or hostname.
  • Default: (Flow Emulator)

Specify the hostname of the Access API that will be used to execute the command. This flag overrides any host defined by the --network flag.

Network Key

  • Flag: --network-key
  • Valid inputs: A valid network public key of the host in hex string format

Specify the network public key of the Access API that will be used to create a secure GRPC client when executing the command.


  • Flag: --network
  • Short Flag: -n
  • Valid inputs: the name of a network defined in the configuration (flow.json)
  • Default: emulator

Specify which network you want the command to use for execution.


  • Flag: --filter
  • Short Flag: -x
  • Valid inputs: a case-sensitive name of the result property

Specify any property name from the result you want to return as the only value.


  • Flag: --output
  • Short Flag: -o
  • Valid inputs: json, inline

Specify the format of the command results.


  • Flag: --save
  • Short Flag: -s
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem

Specify the filename where you want the result to be saved


  • Flag: --log
  • Short Flag: -l
  • Valid inputs: none, error, debug
  • Default: info

Specify the log level. Control how much output you want to see during command execution.


  • Flag: --config-path
  • Short Flag: -f
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem
  • Default: flow.json

Specify the path to the flow.json configuration file. You can use the -f flag multiple times to merge several configuration files.

Version Check

  • Flag: --skip-version-check
  • Default: false

Skip version check during start up to speed up process for slow connections.